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Call for common sponsorship

April, 16th 2024

"Does caveolin-1 deficiency induce autoimmune perichondritis?"
Various scientists have launched a request for further studies in the field of caveolin-1 deficiency. Due to an incidental finding, it is suspected that caveolin- 1 deficiency can also cause autoimmune perichondritis.
In addition to the search for scientists who are interested in the current research results, there is also interest in a joint scientific study.


"Does caveolin-1 deficiency induce autoimmune perichondritis?" For the ■■■■■, who was investigating the interaction of mycobacteria with myeloid-derived suppressor cells Cav1 -/- knock out mice, the animals were ear tagged (commercial brass ear tags for small rodents). Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is essential for caveolae formation which represent shuttle vesicles for various substances and molecules into and out of the cell but can also influence cell proliferation and migration. Cav-1 is known to interact with various receptors and signaling molecules. With regard to various skin-related disorders, an association with aberrant Cav-1 expression is suspected. In particular, inflammatory and hyperproliferative diseases are discussed, such as wound healing, psoriasis, fibrosis and skin cancer.
In the aforementioned doctoral thesis ■■■■■, the Cav1 -/- mice were unilaterally marked with ear tags. A few days later severe redness and swelling appeared around the ear tag. Such conspicuous reactions have not previously been described in relation to Cav1 -/- mice. Apart from the pathologically altered ear, the mice were clinically healthy. Pathologic examination revealed unilateral lymph node swelling of the mandibular and superficial parotid lymph nodes. Furthermore, the spleen was significantly enlarged. In addition to a purely inflammatory process caused by the introduction of unknown bacteria, it is suspected that Cav-1 also plays a role in the development of autoimmune perichondritis, also known as atrophic polychondritis, systemic chondromalacia, as the described symptoms of the mouse ear are clinically similar to the autoimmune disease. The brass clip as a causative trigger may also point to an allergic response against nickel.

This publication is intended to initiate the first call for common sponsorship study. Should other researchers discover similar abnormalities in Cav1 -/- mice, we offer our collaboration for further research.


Caveolin, Cav-1, allergy, skin diseases, autoimmune perichondritis.